

Problem 1: My English teacher bullies me in the lesson in front of the class.


What should I do?




Solution: You can go to the headmaster or I can speak with you English teacher.


You can also talk with your parents.



Problem 2: I´m so bad in maths.


I only get bad marks.


What can I do to make up for final year to be better in maths?




Solution: You must concentrate more in the lesson.


Do nothing with your mobile phone.


Go to the tutoring.



Problem 3: I was bullied from my classmates because the say I stink´s and have ugly clothes.




Solution: So you must do something:


If you stink you must wash you self and use deodorant or perfume.


Do you like you cloths? If not buy some new cloths and combine it with accessories.


Talk with you parents and I will talk with your class.